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Monday, 15 December 2014

Being Out of Shape Could Have a Scary Effect on Your Brain

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Being Out of Shape Could Have a Scary Effect on Your Brain

Being Out of Shape Could Have a Scary Effect on Your Brain

As if you needed more evidence that workouts are good for more than just keeping your body toned, a new study indicates that they may help keep your memory sharp, too. The research, published in Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, found that young adults who were aerobically fit racked up better results on memory tests than their more sedentary counterparts.
Researchers tested 75 college students over a three-day period. They measured their peak oxygen consumption, which determines aerobic fitness, via a treadmill test (taking into account each student's body fat percentage, weight, age, and sex). They also had the participants study word pairs. Finally, researchers quizzed the students on the word pairs to gauge their long-term memory (defined as anything remembered for longer than 30 seconds) and implicit memory (the kind you're not conscious of that lets you do tasks on autopilot, like walking or tying your shoe). The students who had the lowest peak oxygen consumption also showed the poorest long-term and implicit memory, suggesting a link between physical fitness and strong mental recall. 
"The findings show that lower-fit individuals lose more memory across time," said Kimberly Fenn, a study co-author and an assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University, in a press release. 
The study is the first to take a look at young adults, memory, and exercise; previous research focused on the brains of children or senior citizens. Besides giving you another great reason to lace up your kicks and get moving, the study shows that working out has definite cognitive benefits in addition to these other ways exercise affects your brain. If you've been on an extended break from the gym, these tips will motivate you to get back in the habit of exercising.

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